Welcome to the J.Adams Network Show. This book intends to contribute to better understanding of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and innovation, and to show how these business practices can stimulate economic development in various countries and regions worldwide. http://www.jadamsnetwork.com/guides/entrepreneurship-practice-oriented-perspectives/ http://www.jadamsnetwork.com/pods/JANS-12.mp3 This week's podcast is in support of MND Association. Go to https://www.mndassociation.org/ to find out what they are all about.
Welcome to the J.Adams Network Show. The Bootstrapper's Bible is Seths favorite, by his own admission. The prolific (13 books in print, by my count) and talented Godin wrote this manifesto in 2004 and remains extremely current today. Of course we all know that Seth is a bestselling author and entrepreneur. And that's why this ebook is essential item in any business persons inventory. http://www.jadamsnetwork.com/guides/bootstrappers-bible-11-seth-godin/ http://www.jadamsnetwork.com/pods/JANS-11.mp3 This week's podcast is in support of British Heart Foundation. Go to https://www.bhf.org.uk/ to find out what they are all about.